EcoSafe Opens New Greenhouse and Efficacy Testing Facility
EcoSafe has recently completed construction of a 1200 square foot greenhouse facility and dedicated pilot lab for EcoToxicity and Efficacy testing. Our new facility, located on a three-acre property in Victoria B.C., boasts a containment zone for insects and plants such as mosquitoes, ticks and fleas.
Efficacy studies document how well your product performs its intended function, such as killing or repelling, against an invertebrate pest.
A sample of NEW Ecotoxicity tests we are able to offer:
OCSPP 850.1010 – Aquatic Invertebrate Acute Toxicity Test, Freshwater Daphnids
OCSPP 850.1075 – Freshwater Fish Acute Toxicity Test
OCSPP 850.3100 – Earthworm Subchronic Toxicity Test
OCSPP 850.3020 – Honey Bee Acute Contact Toxicity Test
OCSPP 850.3030 – Honey Bee Toxicity of Residues on Foliage
OCSPP 850.4100 – Seedling Emergence and Seedling Growth
OCSPP 850.4150 – Vegetative Vigor
OCSPP 850.4230 – Early Seedling Growth Toxicity Test
OCSPP 850.4400 – Aquatic Plant Toxicity Test Using Lemna spp.
A sample of NEW efficacy (product performance) tests we are able to offer:
Insect repellency testing
Insect toxicity testing
Insect performance testing
Pollinator safety testing
Phytotoxicity testing
Herbicide and pesticide deposition testing
Herbicide and pesticide uptake testing
Our list of available arthropods is continually expanding.
Coupled with our existing analytical laboratory, we are well equipped to measure chemical changes to plants or insects, as well as develop and validate any analytical methods as required.